Troy Technologies Sits Down with Today's Caregiver

Troy Technologies Sits Down with Today's Caregiver

Nov 05, 2019Shopify API

Recently, Troy Technologies President Nathan Walkins sat down with Today's Caregiver Editor-in-Chief Gary Barg to discuss the REVO Slim-Line. 


Gary Barg: Nate Watkins, you are a true entrepreneur that's tinkering away making sure you build products that are important to family caregivers so I want to talk about one of these products now. How does a REVO Slim-Line differ from a standard wheelchair? 

Nate Watkins: I guess the main difference is comfort and style. The REVO, is all about the user and has height adjustment, lumbar support and tilt recline. The padded seat is breathable fabric made for all-day seating. And, most importantly, it looks like a piece of furniture that belongs in your home. It's not a utilitarian style device and people just have a lot more confidence and comfort sitting in it. 

Gary Barg: So why did you design the REVO Slim-Line?

Nate Watkins: Inspiration for the REVO came directly from our customers. We started to engage our customer base to learn about their needs and what we were hearing was that people's needs at home are not the same as when they're out. Wheelchairs may be ideal for going to the doctor's office or to restaurants or whatever but are way too bulky and cumbersome for the home. So we set out to create something that makes sense for the home. Mostly, people were looking for a wheelchair that was narrow enough to fit through the bathroom door and that's something that I knew we could do.

Gary Barg: I want to talk about that a bit. The thing that really thrills me about this, I know it's more comfortable, I know it's lighter, but it fits through a bathroom door. No one has really thought of that before that a wheelchair that you can actually wheel around the house and have it be convenient. 

Nate Watkins: That's exactly it and we recognize it that there was a need out there. Not everyone is wheelchair bound and some people that are have to have their homes redone and the hallways widened, the doorways opened. Of course, that's an expensive endeavor. So we thought if we could make a little wheelchair that zips around the hallways and around corners and through bathroom doorways that could really be a great thing for people and I think the response to the product is so positive that we've definitely done something good. 

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